研究員:許淳欣 博士
顧問:朱正中 博士
研究人員 :李慧玲、胡恬、林敬恆
小兒神經科 - 邱南昌、林宜潔
重症醫療科 - 劉彥佑
骨科 - 陳暐錚、劉士嘉
胸腔內科 - 鍾心珮
Laboratory of Immunogenetics
研究員:許淳欣 博士
顧問:朱正中 博士
研究人員 :李慧玲、胡恬、林敬恆
小兒神經科 - 邱南昌、林宜潔
重症醫療科 - 劉彥佑
骨科 - 陳暐錚、劉士嘉
胸腔內科 - 鍾心珮
A simple determination of Miltenberger blood group antigen Mi.III by PCR. (Taiwan Invention Patent No. I437229; effective from 2014/05/11 to 2031/11/10) 。
NMDA receptor自體抗體檢驗改良。
已完成HLA-A、B、C、DRB1、DQB1及DPB1等基因座的核酸定序分型法(Sequence-based typing, SBT)之建立。
Wang C, Su NW, Hsu K, Kao CW, Chang MC, Chang YF, Lim KH, Chiang YH, Chang YC, Sung MT, Wu HH and Chen CG. The implication of serum HLA-G in angiogenesis of multiple myeloma. Molecular Medicine 2024; 30:86. (SCIE, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY) (IF: 6.0, Ranking: 50/313=16.0%)
Hsu K. Erythroid anion transport, nitric oxide, and blood pressure. Frontiers in Physiology 2024; 15:1363987. (SCIE, PHYSIOLOGY) (IF: 3.2, Ranking: 24/85=28.24%)
Su NW, Dai SH, Hsu K, Chang KM, Ko CC, Kao CW, Chang YF and Chen CG. PD-L1-Positive circulating endothelial progenitor cells associated with immune response to PD-1 blockade in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 2024; 73(1):3. (SCIE, ONCOLOGY) (IF: 4.6, Ranking: 76/322=23.6%)
Chen PL, Huang KT, Chen LY and Hsu K. Erythroid anion exchanger-1 (Band 3) transports nitrite for nitric oxide metabolism. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2024; 210:237-245. (SCIE, ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM) (IF: 7.1, Ranking: 15/186=8.1%)
Hsu K, Tseng WC, Chen LY, Chen PL, Lu YX, Chen YS, Tseng KW, Swenson ER. Effects of greater erythroid Cl-/HCO3- transporter (Band 3) expression on ventilation and gas exchange during exhaustive exercise. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2023; 324(6):L825-L835. (Journal Spotlight Cover) (SCIE, PHYSIOLOGY) (IF: 3.6, Ranking: 19/85=22.4%)
Hsu K. Differential enzymatic deglycosylation reveals attachment of red cell B antigen onto the carbohydrate moiety of glycophorin A and glycophorin B. Vox Sanguinis 2023; 118(2):147-152. (SCIE, HEMATOLOGY) (IF: 1.8, Ranking: 66/97=68.0%)
Hsu K, Lee TY, Lin JY and Chen PL. A balance between transmembrane-mediated ER/Golgi retention and forward trafficking signals in glycophorin-anion exchanger-1 interaction. Cells 2022; 11(21):3512. (SCIE, CELL BIOLOGY) (IF: 5.1, Ranking: 63/205=30.7%)
Chen YC, Hsu KN, Lai JC, Chen LY, Kuo MS, Liao CC and Hsu K. Influence of hemoglobin on blood pressure among people with GP.Mur blood type. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2022; 121(9):1721-1727. (Media Coverage by The International Society of Blood Transfusion) (ISBT) (SCIE, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL) (IF: 2.6, Ranking: 70/325=21.5%)
Kuo MS, Chuang CH, Cheng HC, Lin HR, Wang JS and Hsu K. Different involvement of band 3 in red cell deformability and osmotic fragility—A comparative GP.Mur erythrocyte study. Cells 2021; 10(12):3369. (SCIE, CELL BIOLOGY) (IF: 5.1, Ranking: 63/205=30.7%)
Hsu K, Liu YY, Tseng WC, Huang KT, Liu CY, Chen LY, Lee HL, Lin HJ, Tseng KW and Yeh HI. Comodulation of NO-dependent vasodilation by erythroid band 3 and hemoglobin: A GP.Mur athlete study. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2021; 8: 740100. (SCIE, CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS) (IF: 2.8, Ranking: 79/220=35.9%)