來自傷友 Alex Haas媽媽的信

文/Mrs. Haas

收治時體表面積有90% 的二至三級燒傷的Alex Haas,是當時唯一一位外籍傷患,由淡水分院急診急救後,轉入臺北總院加護病房救治。在醫療團隊照護下,兩個月的住院期間,Alex Haas 恢復迅速,去年8 月便順利出院,返回美國新罕布希爾州(New Hampshire) 的家中,繼續治療。
在Alex 住院期間,Haas 一家人也與臺灣的醫療團隊以及傷友家屬建立起深厚的友誼,返美後Alex 媽媽不但時常透過網路關心其餘傷友的狀況,也樂於分享Alex 的復健之路彼此鼓勵。

Dear Friends,
I have spoken just recently about how his treatment was aggressive.

I was talking about both with the fasciotomy surgeries performed to relieve the pressure in
the beginning, right through the continued debridement and skin grafting as well as starting the occupational and physical therapy that accounts for him doing so well today.

Here in the United States upon admission to MGH in Boston, they immediately showered
him, and he had not showered in Taiwan. They also do not use the pressure garments, but instead, they do a series of lazer treatments which make the skin better. He has also had what they call Z-plasty surgery which gives him more flexibility in areas that were still tight. They were going to do another surgery this month, but he has a hernia, and they are going to combine surgeries sometime in June.

MacKay Hospital did an amazing job, not only for Alex but for so many of the young
people injured. I do follow the stories of children that had to have amputations and have
other issues. I don’t believe they were in MacKay, but I am confident in saying your hospital absolutely saved my son’s life. I hope all is well and that the other young people that I do not see on FB will continue to work hard. Through those efforts, and future surgeries, and a positive outlook, many of them will be fine. They will never be the same, any of them. This experience has scarred many of them for the rest of their lives, but I pray for them every single day. Please give my best to everyone. We will be back someday.

Mrs. Haas

我想正是因為一開始進行筋膜切開術以釋放壓力,以及持續的清創與植皮,同時開始職能治療與物理治療,雙管齊下讓Alex 今天能夠復原得如此好。

在美國進入波士頓的馬薩諸塞州總醫院治療後,他們立刻替Alex 沐浴,這是他在臺灣時沒有做的。他們也不使用壓力衣,取代的是他們進行了一系列的激光治療使得Alex皮膚狀況較佳。同時,他也進行了他們稱為「Z 字成型術」的手術,以幫助舒緩他身上仍然比較緊繃的部位。

接下來這個月,他們要替Alex 進行另外一項手術,但是由於他現在有疝氣,因此將會等到6 月時再一起進行。

馬偕紀念醫院真的相當了不起,不只是對於Alex 來說是,在照顧許多其他同樣受傷的年輕人時也是。我的確有看到有些孩子被截肢或是其他的消息,我想他們不是在馬偕,但是我可以很有自信的說,馬偕紀念醫院真的救了我兒子的命。

我希望一切都好,並且希望那些我沒辦法在FB 上看到近況的孩子們都能持續地加油,透過努力、未來將進行的手術以及積極的人生觀,我想他們大多會好好的。當然,他們都不可能回到跟從前一模一樣,每一個人都不能,這次經驗在他們往後的生命中印下了烙痕,但是每日我都在禱告中紀念他們。請替我問候每一個人,以及,總有一天我們會回來的。

Alex 媽媽

想知道更多Alex的近況,可蒐尋FB粉絲專頁「Friends of Alex」。