癌症放射治療規劃及諮詢:全體積強度調控弧形治療(VMAT),強度調控放射治療(IMRT),三度空間順形放射治療(3DCRT),多模式斷層放射治療(TOMOTHERAPY) 安寧緩和醫療
2003.07 ~ 2005.01 陸軍十軍團 少尉醫官
2005.07 ~ 2009.06 馬偕醫院放射腫瘤科 住院醫師
2009.07 ~ 2009.09 馬偕醫院放射腫瘤科 主治醫師
2009.10 ~ 2011.04 阮綜合醫院放射腫瘤科 主治醫師
2011.04 ~ 2012.05 衛生福利部屏東醫院放射腫瘤科 主治醫師兼主任
2012.06 ~ 2014.02 衛生福利部雙和醫院放射腫瘤科 主治醫師
台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會創始會員 全國師資
中華民國高壓氧暨海底醫學會:高壓氧講習訓練40小時合格 (2011)
台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會:病情告知溝通技巧訓練工作坊 12小時訓練合格 (2011) & 師資訓練認定合格 (2012)
Combination of induction chemotherapy, preoperative chemoradiation and surgery for locally advanced gastric cancer – a case with long-term control and testicular metastasis
Tsung-Yu Yen, Ching-Chung Lin, Tao-Yeuan Wang, Chuen Hsueh, Jong-Ming Hsu, Yu-Jen Chen
Department of Radiation Oncology, Mackay Memorial Hospital
Therapeut Radiol Oncol 2009(Oct);16(3):227-234
Neil MacDonald et al. 《安寧緩和醫學手冊─以個案為基礎 》第17章 噁心和嘔吐 及 第18章 便秘。台灣安寧緩和醫學學會編譯。合記圖書出版社 2011
Life-threatening Visible Tumor Bleeding in Patients with Head and Neck Cancers.
Tsung-Yu Yen, Hong-Wen Chen, Yuen-Liang Lai
Hospice and Palliative care center, Mackay Memorial Hospital
The 7th Asian-Pacific Hospice Conference (APHC), Philippines, September, 2007
Using CT-simulation and Computerized Optimization for High-Dose Interstitial Brachytherapy in the Management of the Recurrence Uterine Cervical Cancer – Two Cases Report.
Tsung-Yu Yen, Hsiao-Mei Fu, Yu-Jen Chen
Department of Radiation Oncology, Mackay Memorial Hospital
The 13th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology (AOCR), Taipei, March, 2010
Escalation the Radiation Dose for Inoperable Pancreatic Cancer by Tomotherapy -- Preliminary Study of One Institutional Experience.
Tsung-Yu Yen, M.H. Chu, T.W. Yu, S.W.Leung
Department of Radiation Oncology, Yuan's General Hospital
Asia-Pacific Congress on Pancreas and Biliary Tract Cancer in conjunction with the 14th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Cooperative Oncology Group & 2010 International Conference on Translational Cancer Research, Taipei, November, 2010
Analysis of wedge angle and body-mass-index (BMI) in patients who receive adjuvant whole breast irradiation by tangential field-in-field forward IMRT plan after breast conserving surgery ---- An experience of one radiation oncology department in Southern Taiwan
Tsung-Yu Yen, H.M. Fu, S.W.Leung
Department of Radiation Oncology, Ping-Tung Hospital of DOH
2011 Annual Meeting of CSMPT, Taipei, August, 2011
The difference between true delivery time and the estimated time of Smartarc planning in VMAT
H.M. Fu, T.T. Chiu, C.H. Fang, Tsung-Yu Yen, S.W.Leung
Department of Radiation Oncology, Ping-Tung Hospital of DOH
2011 Annual Meeting of CSMPT, Taipei, August, 2011