國立臺北護理健康大學生死教育與輔導所諮商心理組 碩士
Master of Science:Institute of Life and Death Education and Counseling, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.
馬偕紀念醫院社會服務室 社工
Social Worker, Department of Social Service, Mackay Memorial Hospital.
國立臺北護理健康大學 生死與健康心理諮商系 兼任部定講師
Assistant Instructor, Department of Thanatology and Health Counseling, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences.
Visiting Fellow, Department of Psycho-Oncology Service, National Cancer Center Hospital East
台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會 溝通技巧訓練二級師資
Semi-Grand Facilitator of communication skill training, Taiwan Psycho-oncology Society
台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會 心理腫瘤醫學專家認證
Fellow of Tawianese Psycho-oncology Society, Taiwan Psycho-oncology Society
Horticultural Therapy Elementary Certificate Course, Hong Kong Horticultural Therapy Centre
Horticultural Therapy Intermediate Certificate Course, Hong Kong Horticultural Therapy Centre
新北市第七屆閃亮社工 馬拉松獎(2017年)
內政部101年度社會工作專業人員 服務績優獎(2012年)
Ching Hui Chung. Establishing the Healing Garden and Life Education Environment combines Aquaponics System with Horticultural therapy in IPCU and PCU in MacKay Hospital in Taiwan. The 20th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy 2018 (Poster)
Ching Hui Chung. 6C Education Model:Illustrating and Analyzing Interprofessional and Collaborative Education of Palliative Care Program in MacKay Hospice and Palliative Care Center in Taiwan. The 12th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference 2017 (Poster)
Ching Hui Chung. The preferences of cancer patients and their families prefer that when physicians delivery bad news. The 4th Meeting of Asia-Pacific Psycho-Oncology Network 2014(Poster)
Ching-Hui Chung. Horticultural therapy:The use of gardening in a Support Group in Hospice. The 15th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy. 2013 (Poster)
Ching-Hui Chung. Grief Counseling Experiences of Bereaved Children in a Memorial Service. The 14th World Congress and COSA's 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2012 (Poster)
Ching-Hui Chung. The Art of Healing:The use of expressive Arts in a Support Group in Hospice. Australian Palliative Care Conference and the 8th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. 2009 (Poster)