國立陽明大學生物醫學影像暨放射科學系 博士
Ph.D.: Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences (BIRS), National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan. (2008/9~2013/6)
國立臺北護理健康大學生死教育與輔導研究所 碩士
Master: Institute of Life and Death Education and Counseling, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (2003/8~2005/6)
私立中國醫藥學院(現:中國醫藥大學) 中醫系醫學士
Bachelor: Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. (1988/9~1995/6)
馬偕紀念醫院安寧療護教育示範中心 主任
Chief, Hospice and Palliative Care Center, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei & New Taipei, Taiwan
馬偕紀念醫院精神科 主任
Chief, Department of Psychiatry, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei & New Taipei, Taiwan
馬偕紀念醫院自殺防治中心 主任
Chief, Suicide Prevention Center, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei & New Taipei, Taiwan
台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會 理事長
President, Taiwan Psycho-Oncology Society
台灣失落關懷與諮商協會 理事長
President, Taiwan Association for Caring and Counseling for Loss
亞太心理腫瘤學交流基金會 董事長
Chairman, Asia-Pacific Psycho-Oncology Exchange Foundation
臺灣精神醫學會 理事
Board, Taiwan Society of Psychiatry
台灣安寧緩和醫學學會 理事
Board, Taiwan Academy of Hospice Palliative Medicine
台灣安寧照顧協會 理事
Board, Taiwan Hospice Organization
台灣憂鬱症防治協會 理事
Standing supervisor, Taiwan Association Against Depression
台灣自殺防治學會 監事
Supervisor, Taiwanese Society of Suicidology
台灣癌症資訊全人關懷協會 常務理事
Executive director, Taiwan Cancer Total Care Information Society
中華溝通分析協會 理事
Board, Taiwan Transactional Analysis Association
馬偕醫學院醫學系與護理系 兼任部定助理教授
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Department of Nursing, MacKay Medical College
台北護理健康大學生死與健康心理諮商系 兼任部定助理教授
Assistant Professor, Department of Thanatology and Health Counseling, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
台北科技大學機械工程系 兼任助理教授級專業技術人員
Assistant professor level professional and technical personnel, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei Institute of Technology
澳洲自殺研究暨防治研究院 訪問研究員
Visiting Fellow: Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.(2006/7~2006/8)
International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement (IWG)
International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS)
Taiwanese representative, IPOS Federation
Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC)
Asia-Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network (APHN)
Advances in Health Sciences Education (SCI), reviewer.
International Journal of Gerontology (SCI), reviewer.
Journal of Advanced Nursing (SCI), reviewer.
Journal of Pain and Management (SCI), reviewer.
Psycho-Oncology (SCI), reviewer.
Depression Research and Treatment, reviewer.
Journal of Cancer Research and Practice, editor.
Taiwanese Journal of Hospice Palliative Care, editor.
Education Research, reviewer.
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Chih Chang, Pei-Jan Chen, et al. A Correlational Study of Suicidal Ideation with Psychological Distress, Depression, and Demoralization in Patients with Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s00520-014-2290-4 (SCI)
Woung-Ru Tang, Guan-Yu Chen, Sheng-Hui Hsu, Yeong-Yuh Juang, Shin-Che Chiu, Shu-Chun Hsiao, Maiko Fujimori, Chun-Kai Fang*. Effectiveness of Japanese SHARE model in improving Taiwanese healthcare personnel's preference for cancer truth telling. Psycho-Oncology, 2014;23(3):259-265. (SCI & SSCI)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ya-Fang Chang, Hui-Yen Chuang, Hong-Wen Chen, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Molecular Imaging of Neuropsychiatry and Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in Neuro-oncology. Current Molecular Imaging, 2013, DOI: 10.2174/15748855113089990013
Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, Wei-Hsun Wang, Ren-Shen Liu, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Acute Effects of Three Club Drugs on The Striatum of Rats: Evaluation by Quantitative Autoradiography with [18F]FDOPA. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2013; 77: 153-159. doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.03.091i (SCI)
Hong-Wen Chen, Fei-Ting Hsu, Yue-Cune Chang, Hsi-Feng Tu, Chun-Kai Fang, Shu-Ping Kuo, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phosphoribosyl-Transferase Gene Mutation in Oral Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy. Adaptive Medicine 2013;5(2):83-91.
方俊凱. 運用平衡計分卡經營以醫院為基礎的自殺防治中心. 健康照顧平衡計分卡雜誌 2013;9(2):49-59. (in Japanese)
Chun-Kai Fang. Demoralization in Cancer Patients. Formosan Journal of medicine 2013; 17:149-154. (in Chinese)
Woung-Ru Tang, Chun-Kai Fang, Yeong-Yuh Juang. Education of Truth-telling for Cancer. Formosan Journal of medicine 2013; 17:141-148. (in Chinese)
Woung-Ru Tang, Ji-Tseng Fang, Chun-Kai Fang, Maiko Fujimori. Truth telling in medical practice: students' opinions versus their observations of attending physicians' clinical practice. Psycho-Oncology 2013; 22:1605-1610. (SCI & SSCI)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, I-Tsang Chiang, Chia-Chieh Chen, Jyh-Fei Liao, Ton-Ping Su, Chieh-Yin Tung, Yosuke Uchitomi, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Mirtazapine Inhibits Tumor Growth via Immune Response and Serotonergic System. PLOS One 2012; 7(7):e38886 (SCI)
Cheng-Yang Lee, Chun-Kai Fang, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Chien-Liang Liu, Yi-Shing Leu, Tsang-En Wang, Yi-Fang Chang, Ruey-Kuen Hsieh, Yu-Jen Chen, Li-Yun Tsai, Shen-Ing Liu, Hong-Wen Chen. Demoralization syndrome among cancer outpatients in Taiwan. Supportive Care in Cancer 2012;20(10):2259-2267 (SCI)
Chun-Kai Fang. Demoralization syndrome. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2011;16:371-379. (in Chinese)
Cheng-Yang Lee, Hong-Wen Chen, Yu-Chan Li, Woung-Ru Tang, Chun-Kai Fang*. Suicide prevention in cancer care. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2011;22:335-343. (in Chinese)
Pei-Yi Li, Hong-Wen Chen, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Li-Yun Tsai, Ming-Liang Lai, Douglas T. Bridge, Chun-Kai Fang*. Using the demoralization scale for the early detection of demoralization in health professionals. Educational Research 2011;2:1648-1653.
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsin-Chin Lu, Shen-Ing Liu, Yi-Wen Sun. Religious Beliefs Along the Suicidal Path in Northern Taiwan. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2011;63:255-269. (SSCI)
Chih-Ju Liu, Chun-Kai Fang, Meei-Ling Gau. Nursing care experiences of a borderline personality with spiritual distress. Hu Li Za Zhi 2011;58:112-118. (in Chinese)
Hui-Ching Liu, Shen-Ing Liu, Yu-Hsin Huang, Jin-Jin Tjung, Chun-Kai Fang. A Study of the Prevalence and Risk Factors for Self-harming Behaviors among High School Students in Northern Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine 2011;21:27-39. (in Chinese)
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Liang Lai, Ming-Hwai Lin, Douglas T. Bridge, Hong-Wen Chen. Establishing a "Physician's Spiritual Well-Being Scale" and Testing Its Reliability and Validity. Journal of Medical Ethics 2011;37:6-12. (SCI & SSCI)
Shen-Ing Liu, Shu-I Wu, Su-Chiu Chen, Hui-Chun Huang, Fang-Ju Sun, Chun-Kai Fang, Chien-Chi Hsu, Chiu-Ron Huang, Hsiao-Mei Yeh, Shou-Chuan Shih. Randomized Controlled Trial of a Brief Intervention for Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Hospitalized Taiwanese Men. Addiction 2011;106:928-940. (SCI & SSCI)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Hsin-Chin Lu, Ming-Hwai Lin, Pei-Yi Li. The Construction of Spiritual Growth Programs for Physicians Based on Medical Ethics of Caring for Terminal Cancer Patients. Journal of Cancer Research and Practice 2010;26:100-111. (in Chinese)
Woung-Ru Tang, Guan-Yu Chen, Sheng-Hui Hsu, Chun-Kai Fang*. Preliminary Effects of Truth-telling Training. Journal of Cancer Research and Practice 2010;26:112-124. (in Chinese)
Hsiao-Chi Hung, Hong-Wen Chen, Yi-Fang Chang, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Chien-Liang Liu, Ruey-Kuen Hsieh, Yi-Shing Leu, Yu-Jen Chen, Tsang-En Wang, Li-Yun Tsai, Shen-Ing Liu ,Chun-Kai Fang*. Evaluation of the Reliability and Validity of the Mandarin Version of Demoralization Scale for Cancer Patients. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2010;21:427-435. (in Chinese)
Keh-Ming Lin, Hsiao-Hui Tsou, I-Ju Tsai, Mei-Chun Hsiao, Chin-Fu Hsiao, Chia-Yih Liu, Winston W Shen, Hwa-Sheng Tang, Chun-Kai Fang, Chi-Shin Wu, Shao-Chun Lu, Hsiang-Wei Kuo, Shu-Chih Liu, Hsiu-Wen Chan, Ya-Ting Hsu, Jia-Ni Tian, Yu-Li Liu. CYP1A2 genetic polymorphisms are associated with treatment response to the antidepressant paroxetine. Pharmacogenomics 2010;11:1535-1543. (SCI)
Ming-Hsien Tsai, Keh-Ming Lin, Mei-Chun Hsiao, Winston W Shen, Mong-Liang Lu, Hwa-Sheng Tang, Chun-Kai Fang, Chi-Shin Wu, Shao-Chun Lu, Shu-Chih Liu, Chun-Yu Chen, Yu-Li Liu. Genetic Polymorphism of Cytochrome P-450 Enzymes Influence Metabolism of the Antidepressant Escitalopram and Treatment Response. Pharmacogenomics 2010;11:537-546 . (SCI)
Ming-Liang Lai, Pei-Yi Li, Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Hwai Lin, Hsing-Hsing Chen. The Spiritual Need of Students in Medical School. Journal of Medical Education 2009;13:4-14. (in Chinese)
Hong-Wen Chen, Yu-Jen Chen, Yi-Shing Leu, Chung-Ji Liu, Yi-Fang Chang, Chun-Kai Fang, Hui-Ching Liu, Yuen-Liang Lai. A Good Ending-Holistic Care for Patients with Head and Neck Cancers. Journal of Chinese Oncology Society 2009;25:20-27.
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li. Psychotherapy among Terminal Cancer Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: the Preliminary Construction of Existential-Cognitive Model. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2008;13:411-430. (in Chinese)
Chen-Ju Lin, Fang-Ju Sun, Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, Yuen-Liang Lai. An Open Trial Comparing Haloperidol with Olanzapine for the Treatment of Delirium in Palliative and Hospice Center Cancer Patients. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2008; 19:346-354
Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, Shen-Ing Liu, Chen-Ju Lin, Li-Yun Tsai, Yuen-Liang Lai. Prevalence, Detection and Treatment of Delirium in Terminal Cancer Inpatients: A Prospective Survey. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008;38:56-63. (SCI)
Shen-Ing Liu, Hui-Chun Huang, Zai-Ting Yeh, Lee-Ching Hwang, Jin-Jin Tjung, Chiu-Rong Huang, Chien-Chi Hsu, Chih-Jen Ho, I-Wen Sun, Chun-Kai Fang, Shu-Jen Shiau. Controlled trial of problem-solving therapy and consultation-liaison for common mental disorders in general medical settings in Taiwan. General Hospital Psychiatry 2007;29:402-408. (SCI)
I-Wen Sun, Shen-Ing Liu, Chih-Jen Ho, Hui-Chun Huang, Chien-Chi Hsu, Chun-Kai Fang. Outcome of common mental disorders in northern Taiwan: effect of detection and treatment by general medical physicians. Primary Care & Community Psychiatry 2007;12:23-31. (SCI)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Hsin-Chin Lu, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Hwai Lin, Haun-Tang Tseng. The Difficulty and Change when Physicians Care Terminal Cancer Patients. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2007;12:369-384. (in Chinese)
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li. Existential Issues of Terminal Cancer Patients with Major Depressive Disorder - Analyze Text from Psychotherapy with Patients. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2007;12:257-272.
Ming-Liang Lai, Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Hwai Lin. Probing the Medical Education in Spirituality Students. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2007;12:395-407. (in Chinese)
Hsin-Chin Lu, Chun-Kai Fang, Chi-Yun Lin. Grief Adjustment among Survivors of Suicide (SoS): The Preliminary Construction of Task-Crisis Model. Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling 2007; 22:185-221. (in Chinese)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, Yuen-Liang Lai. Suicidology in Cancer Paitents. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2006;11:263-72.
Shu-I Wu, Shen-Ing Liu, Chun-Kai Fang, Chien-Chi Hsu, Yi-Wen Sun. Prevalence and Detection of Alcohol Use Disorders among General Hospital Inpatients in Eastern Taiwan. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2006;28:48-54. (SCI)
Chun-Kai Fang: Spiritual Well-being and Medical Ethics. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2006;11:150-8. (in Chinese)
Chiou-Pin Liou, Chun-Kai Fang, Shien-chi Hsu. Flupentixol Decanoate-related Tardive Dyskinesia. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 20:230-9. (in Chinese)
Li-Yun Tsai, Ruey-Kuen Hsieh, Yi-Ling Yang, Wen-Hao Su, Cheng-hu Tsai, Kou-Hwa Chang, Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Lee. Evaluation of Hospice Shared Care by the Original Medical Team in a Medical Center. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 2005;10:243-257. (in Chinese)
Hui-Ching Liu, Chyou-Shen Lee, Chun-Kai Fang. Difficulties of Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Complicated with Bipolar Affective Disorder: A Case Report. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2005;16:100-104.
Chun-Kai Fang., Chiou-Pin Liou., Chia-Ning Chang. Mirtazapine Induced Marked Weight Gain: Report of Two Cases. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2004;18:69-74. (in Chinese)
Shu-I Wu, Chun-Kai Fang, Kuang-Hsien Wu, Shen-Ing Liu. Monotherapy or Add-on Lamotrigine for Bipolar Disorder. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2004;18:142-7.
Chun-Kai Fang, Shou-Chuan Shin, Kuang-Hsien Wu, Tai-Cherng Liou, Chia-Ning Chang. Substance Addictive behavior after Pancreatic Abscess Drainage in Bipolar Affective Patient with Acute Pancreatitis-A Case Report. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2003;14:37-41(in Chinese)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yi-Wen Sun, Te-Yang Huang, Kuang-Hsien Wu. Pain Insensitivity in Schizophrenia: A Case Report. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 1999:;13:81-87(in Chinese)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yi-Chen Chiang, Hsueh-Wen Hsiao. Saving a Life in Community, Workplace and School by BHC-5L, a New Model Based on Eastern Asia Culture. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Pei-Yi Li. The Efficiency of Continuing Medical Education for Physicians to Prevent Burnout and To Promote Spiritual Well-Being. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Jen-Chieh Hu. Screening for Elderly Suicide Prevention Project in a General Hospital. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Chih-Fan Lin, Pao-Wen Shih. Alcohol Reduction Service by BRENDA model. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Sheng-Yu Lin. To Develop the Sheltered Workshop for the People with Mental Disability. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yi-Hsiang Chen. To Improve the Program for Promoting the Employment Opportunity for the Persons with Mental Disability. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang. Effects of Story-Telling Groups for Suicide Survivors. The 35th Annual Meeting of Association of Death Education and Counseling. Hollywood, California, USA. 2013 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yi-Chen Chiang, Hsueh-Wen Hsiao. Saving a Life from Suicide by BHC-5L, a New Model Based on Eastern Asia Culture: Preliminary Efficiency. The 5th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. Chennai, India, 2012. (Oral)
Shih-Hsuan Pi, Chun-Kai Fang*. Understand suicide patterns and reasons of repeat suicide clients in New Taipei City. The 5th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. Chennai, India, 2012. (Oral)
Chia-Hua Lin, Shih-Hsuan Pi, Chun-Kai Fang*. The help-seeking behaviors of clients with repeated suicide attempts: Qualitative approach. The 5th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. Chennai, India, 2012. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yu-Jing Chiu, Pei-Chen Yeh, Shih-Hsuan Pi, Yu-Chan Li. Association among depression, demoralization, and posttraumatic growth in cancer patient: preliminary study. The 14th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Brisbane, Australia. 2012 (Poster)
Yu-Jing Chiu, Yu-Chan Li, Pei-Chen Yeh, Chun-Kai Fang*. Association among Distress, Depression, Demoralization and Suicide Ideation in cancer patient: preliminary study. The 3rd Meeting of East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society. Beijing, China, 2012. (Oral)
Pei-Chen Yeh, Yu-Jing Chiu, Yu-Chan Li, Chun-Kai Fang*. The demoralization, posttraumatic growth, and meaning-making of cancer patients. The 3rd Meeting of East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society. Beijing, China, 2012. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. Promoting Psychosocial Health of Cancer Patients in Taiwan. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education, New Taipei City, Taiwan. 2012 (Chair and speaker of symposium)
Chun-Kai Fang. The Construction of Continuing Medical Education for Physicians To Prevent Burnout and To Promote Spiritual Well-Being. Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Pasadena, California, USA. 2012 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang. Training Bad News Communication by SHARE Model in Taiwan. The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Nagoya, Japan. 2011 (Speaker of symposium)
Chun-Kai Fang, Guan-Yu Chen, Sheng-Hui Hsu, Woung-Ru Tang. To Facilitating the Communication Skill Training of Bad News Telling for Cancer Care as a National Health Policy in Taiwan. The 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Antalya, Turkey. 2011 (Poster)
Kuan-Yu Chen, Woung-Ru Tang, Chun-Kai Fang, Sheng-Hui Hsu. Effectiveness of the Communication Skill Training based on SHARE model in Taiwan. The 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Antalya, Turkey. 2011 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. Registering Intent to DNR at National Health Insurance IC Cards for Hospice Care in Taiwan. The 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Antalya, Turkey. 2011 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li, Xing-Ru Lee, Li-Yun Tsai , Ming-Liang Lai. Demoralization among Nurses among Oncology, Palliative Care, and Intensive Care Units. The 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Antalya, Turkey. 2011 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Chih-Fan Lin, Sheue-Rong Lin, Ming-Neng Shiu, Shu-Chen Kao, Chuan-Chuan Fang. Multi-disciplinary Alcohol Reduction Service for Suicide Prevention: Preliminary Report. The 26th World Congress International Association for Suicide Prevention, Beijing, China. 2011 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Jen-Chieh Hu. 2010 International Survivors of Suicide Day in Taiwan. The 26th World Congress International Association for Suicide Prevention, Beijing, China. 2011 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yi-Chen Chiang, Hsueh-Wen Hsiao Sheue-Rong Lin, Ming-Neng Shiu, Shu-Chen Kao, Chuan-Chuan Fang. To Promote A New Gatekeeper Model in Taiwan: Preliminary Acceptance Rate in Three Different Groups. The 26th World Congress International Association for Suicide Prevention, Beijing, China. 2011 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang. Physician's Spiritual Well-Being Scale. The 33rd Annual Meeting of Association of Death Education and Counseling & the 9th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society. Miami, USA. 2011 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. Constructivism in Psychotherapy for Survivors of Suicide. The 33rd Annual Meeting of Association of Death Education and Counseling & the 9th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society. Miami, USA. 2011 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Liang Lai. Demoralization among Physicians in Taiwan. The International Conference of 4th Asia Congress of Health Psychology. Taipei, Taiwan, 2010. (Symposium: Demoralization syndrome in Oncology)
Chieh-Yin Tung, Chun-Kai Fang*, Hong-Wen Chen, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Mirtazapine Postpones Tumor Growth and Prolongs Survival via Overexpression of Interleukin-12 and Serotonin in CT26/tk-luc Tumor-Bearing Animal Mode. The 9th International Conference of the Asia Clinical Oncology Society. Gifu, Japan, 2010. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. Demoralization syndrome of cancer patients and communication skill training for physicians in Taiwan. The 9th International Conference of the Asia Clinical Oncology Society. Gifu, Japan, 2010. (Workshop: Psychological distress and bad news communication in East Asia)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, Yuh-Cheng Yang. Evaluation of the reliability & validity of the Mandarin version of the Demoralization scale for physicians. The 2nd Meeting of East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society. Hong Kong, China, 2010. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsiao-Chi Hung, Hong-Wen Chen, Yi-Fang Chang, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Chien-Liang Liu, Ruey-Kuen Hsieh, Yi-Shing Leu, Yu-Jen Chen, Tsang-En Wang, Li-Yun Tsai, Shen-Ing Liu. Demoralization and Depression among Cancer Patients in Taiwan. The 2nd Meeting of East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society. Hong Kong, China, 2010. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. Cross-culture collaboration facilitated native development of psycho-oncology in Taiwan. The 21st World Cancer Congress. Shenzen, China. 2010. (Symposium: A future for psychosocial care)
Chun-Kai Fang, Yuh-Cheng Yang, Hong-Wen Chen, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Liang Lai. Burnout, Demoralization, and Spiritual Well-Being of Physicians Who Had Cared Cancer Patients. The 12th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Quebec, Canada. 2010. (Oral)
Cheng-Yang Lee, Hong-Wen Chen, Chun-Kai Fang*. The Prevalence of Demoralization Syndrome among Cancer Outpatients on a Medical Center in Taiwan. The 12th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Quebec, Canada. 2010. (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Pei-Yi Li, Hong-Wen Chen, Ming-Hwai Lin, Hsin-Chin Lu. Spiritual Growth Programs for Physicians Based on Medical Ethics of Caring Terminal Cancer Patients. The 8th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Perth, Australia, 2009. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Rong-Bin Chuang, Rong-Chi Chen. Registering Intent to DNR at National Health Insurance IC Cards for Hospice care in Taiwan. The 8th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Perth, Australia, 2009. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsiao-Chi Hung, Hong-Wen Chen, Shen-Ing Liu. Evaluation of the Reliability and Validity of the Mandarin Version of Demoralization Scale for Cancer Patients. The 11th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Vienna, Austria. 2009. (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Hsin-Chin Lu, Pei-Yi Li, Hong-Wen Chen, Ming-Hwai Lin. Education Program of Medical Ethics and Physicians' Spiritual Growth. The 11th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Vienna, Austria. 2009. (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsin-Chin Lu, Yun-Chain Li. The process and effect of group therapy on survivors of suicide. The 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. Hong Kong, China, 2008. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsin-Chin Lu, Shen-Ing Liu. Suicidal plan and attempt among religious organizations in North Taiwan. The 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. Hong Kong, China, 2008. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. The bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of management for cancer patients with emotional distress. The 2nd annual conference of China Psycho-Oncology Society. Peijing, China, 2008. (Keynote speech)
Chun-Kai Fang. Development of the East Asia Network on Distress Screening among Cancer Patients: The Current Development in Taiwan. The 1st Meeting of East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society. Tokyo, Japan, 2008. (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsin-Chin Lu, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Liang Lai, Ming-Hwai Lin. The Physician's Well-Being Scale: a Report of Its Preliminary Development and Validation. The 10th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Madrid, Spain. 2008 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ching-Yu Chen. The New Model of Palliative Care in Taiwan: Share Care. The 10th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Madrid, Spain. 2008 (Poster)
Hong-Wen Chen, Chun-Kai Fang*. Temporal Distribution of Deaths in Cancer Inpatients in a Palliative Care Unit: Analysis According to Twelve Standard Meridians. The 10th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Madrid, Spain. 2008 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Pei-Yi Li, Hsin-Chin Lu, Haunn-Tarng Tseng, Johannes Hsiao-Chih Sun, Ming-Hwai Lin. Existential Distress of Physicians among Caring Terminal Cancer Patients. The 10th Congress of European Association for Palliative Care, Budapast, Hungary. 2007 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsin-Chin Lu, Yun-Chain Li. The content analysis of story telling group of survivors of suicide. The 24th World Congress International Association for Suicide Prevention, Killarney, Ireland.2007 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hong-Wen Chen, Yuen-Liang Lai, Chen-Ju Lin, Shen-Ing Liu, Li-Yun Tsai. The Phenomenon of Prevalence, Detection Rate and Prescription of Delirium in Terminal Cancer Inpatients: A Prospective Survey. The 9th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. London, United Kingdom. 2007 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Hsin-Chin Lu, Pei-Yi Li, Ming-Liang Lai. The Psycho-social-spiritual Growth Experience of Physicians with Caring Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study. The 9th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. London, United Kingdom. 2007 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ha Kyung Kim, Yosuke Uchitomi. Psycho-Oncology Development in Asia: Taiwan. The 9th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. London, United Kingdom. 2007 (Symposium)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Hsin-Chin Lu, Pei-Yi Li, Hong-Wen Chen, Ming-Hwai Lin. The Spiritual Characteristics of Physicians Caring Terminal Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study. The 7th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Manila, Philippines, 2007 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang, Ming-Liang Lai, Hsin-Chin Lu, Yuen-Liang Lai, Ming-Hwai Lin. The Expectative Training Contents of Physicians Caring Terminal Cancer Patients for Spiritual Growth: A Qualitative Study. The 7th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Manila, Philippines, 2007 (Oral)
Chun-Kai Fang. Existential issues of terminal cancer patients with major depressive disorder. Handbook of The 28th Annual Meeting of Association of Death Education and Counseling (p.58). Tampa, USA. 2006 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li. The Precipitating Factors of Suicidal Behaviors among Terminal Cancer Patients with Depression. Annual Meeting of American Association of Suicidology. Seattle, USA. 2006 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li. Psychotherapy among Terminal Cancer Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: the Preliminary Construction of Existential-Cognitive Model. The 8th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. Venice, Italy. 2006 (Poster)
Chun-Kai Fang, Shen-Ing Liu, Ying Chen, Hsin-Chin Lu. To Facilitate Survivors of Suicide to Break Silence: a Pilot Project. The 12th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific meeting. Taipei, Taiwan. 2006 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai Fang. Using Chinese myths in grief counseling and therapy. The 27th Annual Meeting of Association of Death Education and Counseling. ABQ, USA. 2005 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai. Fang, Pei-Yi Li. Psychotherapy among Terminal Cancer Patients with Suicidal Behaviors: Existential-Cognitive Aspects. The 6th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Seoul, Korea, 2005 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai. Fang, Chen-Ju Lin, Hong-Wen Chen, Enoch Yuen-Lian Lai. Olanzapine in Terminal Cancer Patients with Delirium. The 6th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Seoul, Korea, 2005 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai Fang. Using Oriental Ancient Myths in Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy. The 7th Pacific Rim Regional Congress of Group Psychotherapy and 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy. Taipei, Taiwan, 2005 (Poster)
Chun-Kai. Fang, Pei-Yi Li. Existential-Cognitive Psychotherapy for Terminal Cancer Patients with Suicide. The 7th Pacific Rim Regional Congress of Group Psychotherapy and 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy. Taipei, Taiwan, 2005 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai Fang, YL Lai, HW Chen, CN Chang, IF Li. Suicidal behavior among the terminal cancer patients in palliative care unit of Taiwan. The 5th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference. Osaka, Japan, March 5-8, 2003 (Oral presentation)
Chun-Kai Fang, Pei-Yi Li, Kuang-Hsien Wu, Yi-Wen Sun, Yuen-Liang Lian. To Study the Family Self-help Group having the Effect that Stabilized their Mood of the Families of Terminal Patients in Hospice. The 4th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference 2001 02-05 May, Taipei, Taiwan (Poster)
方俊凱。一間綜合醫院醫師之耗竭、失志與靈性安適。台灣精神醫學會年會 2011 (睡眠醫學專題討論)
方俊凱、賴明亮、呂欣芹、李佩怡、陳虹汶、林明慧。以照顧癌末病人之醫學倫理建構醫師靈性成長課程。台灣精神醫學會年會 2009 (心理腫瘤醫學專題討論)
洪曉琪、方俊凱、陳虹汶、劉珣瑛。癌症病人Demoralization量表中文版信、效度。台灣精神醫學會年會 2009 (心理腫瘤醫學專題討論)
Chun-Kai Fang. Demoralization syndrome among breast cancer outpatients. Annual Conference of Taiwan Psycho-Oncology Society. 2009 (Oral presentation)
方俊凱、賴明亮、呂欣芹、李佩怡、陳虹汶、林明慧。醫學倫理與醫師靈性成長課程之滿意度調查。台灣精神醫學會年會 2008 (壁報)
方俊凱、呂欣芹、劉珣瑛。北台灣宗教機構中信徒的自殺計畫與嘗試。台灣精神醫學會年會 2008 (壁報)
方俊凱。台灣綜合醫院的心理腫瘤學現況。台灣精神醫學會年會 2007 (心理腫瘤醫學專題討論)
方俊凱、陳虹汶、賴允亮、林承儒、劉珣瑛、蔡麗雲。末期癌症住院病人譫妄之盛行率與發現率。台灣精神醫學會年會 2007 (壁報)
方俊凱、李佩怡:癌症末期併憂鬱症病患之心理治療:存在─認知模式。台灣精神醫學會年會 2005 (壁報)
方俊凱:腫瘤科醫師的心理靈性困境。台灣癌症安寧緩和醫學會年會 2005(專題演講)
黃國洋、方俊凱、林承儒:以Zotepine治療海洛因戒斷症狀:一例報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 2004(壁報)
Chia-Ning Chang, Chun-Kai Fang*, Kuang-Hsien Wu, Hong-Wen Chen. Completed suicide among terminal cancer inpatients with palliative care: case reports. Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, ROC. 2004 (Poster)
Chen-Ju Lin, Chun-Kai Fang*. Comparison of olanzapine and haloperidol for the treatment of delirium in terminal cancer patients. Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, ROC. 2004 (Oral presentation)
Chun- Kai Fang, Chi-Yun Lin Discuss ethic issues of suicide and satellite news gathering (SNG). Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, ROC. 2004 (Oral presentation)
柯凱婷、方俊凱*、林長怡、林承儒:SARS隔離病房之暴力躁動病人處理。台灣精神醫學會年會 2003(壁報)
羅瑋琪、方俊凱*、劉秋平:重鬱症合併一氧化碳中毒引起之延持性神經精神後遺症:個案報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 2003(壁報)
吳書儀、方俊凱*、吳光顯、劉珣瑛:以Lamotrigine治療雙極性情感疾病和情感性精神分裂症:三個案報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 2003(壁報)
方俊凱、賴允亮、陳虹汶、張佳寧、李英芬:安寧病房末期癌症病患之自殺行為。台灣安寧緩和醫學會年會 2003(壁報)
方俊凱、吳光顯、賴允亮、孫藝文、陳虹汶、李佩怡:安寧病房癌症末期病患家屬之焦慮與憂鬱。台灣精神醫學會年會 2000(口頭報告)
方俊凱、何志仁、劉秋平:精神作用藥物引發之嚴重低體溫:個案報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 2000(壁報)
方俊凱、臧汝芬:非典型精神病劑惡性症候群之有效治療:個案報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 2000(壁報)
方俊凱、吳光顯、劉泰成、陳建州:疼痛控制使用Demerol在雙極性情感疾患病患的表現:個案報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 1999(壁報)
方俊凱、吳光顯、李郁芬:在急診因工作人員排斥的態度導致邊緣性人格病患自焚:一例報告。台灣精神醫學會年會 1999(壁報)
The AISRAP Modified WHO SUPRE-MISS in traditional Chinese (authorized by Prof. Diego De Leo)
Mandarin version of Demoralization scale (DS-MV) (authorized by Dr. David W. Kissane)
Physician's Spiritual Well-Being Scale (PSpWBS)
MacKay Rapid Screening Scale (馬偕快篩量表, MRSS), 財團法人臺灣經濟科技發展研究院著作權暨智慧財產登記委員會 登記號: 證字第A - 1 0 - 0 9 - 9 9 0 0 0 1