



 1Is this your first time visiting our ophthalmology department?
 2Follow me, please. Sit here, I will check your vision.
 3Do you wear glasses?
 4Is this glasses for reading, walking, or watching TV?
 5Please put on your glasses used for walking.
 6Please look at the character I point to and tell me which direction the gap is.
 7If you can not see the character clearly, please blink and look at it again, and do  not squint your eyes.
 8Please use this to cover your left eye; I will record the visual acuity of your right eye. We will repeat the same steps with the other eye.
 9Please give me your glasses. I will measure the diopter of it and then return it to you later
 10Please wait outside until your name is called.



11 We will check your intraocular pressure and optometry.
 12We will perform the optometry test with you.
 13We will check your intraocular pressure.
 14Please do not be surprised when the device blows air into your eye. Just keeping your eye as open as possible.
 15Please wait here for visual acuity correction.
 15Your vision will be blurred for 6~8 hours after the pupils have been dilated.
 17Please do not drive or ride motorcycles during this period.
 18Please sit outside for 40 minutes with your eyes closed after the eye drops have been placed .
 19The Doctor will examine your eyes after the pupils have been dilated.
 20The eye drops should be used three times a day.
 21The ointment should be applied 5 minutes after the eye drops.
 22Please follow me to the examination room, the technician will schedule your examination time with you.
 23I’m sorry, our office in now closed .If you leave your name and telephone number with me, I can pass it on to the technician who will contact you with an appointment as soon as possible.

 1You will need to make an appointment in advance with the physio therapist for both occupational and speech therapy.
 2Please leave your phone number and the time you are available for the therapy. We’ll notify you with your schedule.
 3When should I come back for another appointment?
 4After six rehabilitation sessions, you need to visit your doctor again to arrange a new course.

 1After having the vaccination, please take resting for 30 minutes in the hospital before return home.
 2After you visited the cashier counter, please bring this slip back to me.
 3Please take off your shoes and socks before entering the examination room.
 4Please follow me to the treatment room for further examination. Once completed, please return to the waiting area in the outpatient department.
 5We will inform you as soon as the report is available.
 6Please fill out the operation and anesthetic consent form and the educational record before return them to the outpatient clinic
 7Please apply the ointment two to three times a day.
 8Please keep the wound clean and dry
 9Here are your slips.
 10Please go through that door, you will see the cashier counter on your left hand side by the elevator. Your can pay at the cashier counter there.
 11After that, please return the slips to me and wait in front of the examination room.
 12The doctor will examine your breasts.
 13The examination room is the last room on your left hand side.

 1Your operation will be at   am/pm ,         .
 2Please remember to bring this“OPD Operation Note”with you on the day when you go to the Operation Room on the 7th floor in Taipei MMH.
 3You may take the shuttle bus which departs in front of the emergency room, or you can arrange your own transportation.
 4Mr.○○/Miss○○    We need to prepare you for surgery.
 5Please sign this consent form.
 6Please remove your underwear, false teeth, jewelry and accessories
 7You are not allowed to eat or drink for 8 hours before the surgery.


 1Hello. How can I help you?
 2Please have a seat.
 3Please wait.



 4Mr. (Miss)○○, Please take a seat here.
 5What process should I go through before the antenatal check up?
 6Please go to the nursing station to measure your weight.
 7Then go to the bathroom, urinating on this strip.
 8After that, please bring the strip back for result.
 9We will check your blood pressure at that point.
10When was the first day of your last menstrual period?
 11What date are you expecting?
 12Please lie on you back on the examination table. Tug up your clothes and reveal your stomach.
 13The doctor will be examining your baby,s heartbeat. 〈Obs.〉
 14Please remove your underwear and lie on you back on the examination table.
 15Please relax your knee let your legs parted and place your feet on the pedals.
 16Be relax. The doctor will be with you shortly.
 17Please keep in this position. 〈Gyn〉

Please come towards the end of the bed a bit more. Please feel free to cover yourself with this blanket.

19The examination has completed. You may come down from the examination table.
20After you dressed, please come outside and the doctor will explain the finding with you.
21What should I prepare fore the pap smear?
 22Please go to clinic room one to fill out a pap smear form.
23Then wait for your turn before entering the room .
 24After the test,the result will be sent to you by post in two weeks.
 25It is common for some people to experience spotty bleeding from down below after the test. Please do not worry about it.
 26Please put one suppository into your vagina every day before you go to bed.
27The depth is about one finger length.
 28The suppository will melt and may stain the underwear. Please consider using a pad.


 1Have you made an appointment? If so, which department (clinic)?
 2What’s  your appointment number, please?
 3May I have your Health Insurance IC Card and any document for identity, such as ID Card, passport or household registration, please? 
 4May I have your Newborn Nursing Guide?
 5Please measure your child’s height and weight.
 6Do you know your child’s height and weight?
 7Please keep your child standing /lying still on this scale while I taking measurement.
 8Please offer me your child’s left/right arm.I will place the cuff around your child arm. Please hold it still. His (Her) blood pressure is ()over ().
 9Let me take his/her temperature.
 10I will place the thermometer in his/her ear.
 11Mr. (Miss) ○○, may I take some medical history about your child from you?
 12Does your child has ever suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, asthma, tuberculosis, kidney disease, hepatitis, cancer or infectious disease?
 13Do you or your child has ever suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, asthma, tuberculosis, kidney disease, hepatitis, cancer or infectious disease?
 14Is he/she allergic to any food or medicine?
 15Has he/she ever been hospitalized before? If so, what is the reason?
 16Has he/she received any operation before? If so, what is the reason?
 17What is his/her birth weight?
 18When was the expected due date?



 19Please place your baby on the examination couch. The doctor will examine your baby.
 20Please remove his/her diaper.
 21Please lift up his/her clothes.



 22I’m Sorry! Dr.○ is a general surgeon. A broken leg like yours is an orthopedic problem. May I make an appointment of an Orthopedic surgeon for you?
 抱歉!○醫師是看一般外科 ,您  腿斷了  ,我為您改掛  骨  科好嗎?



 23Please go to the admission center on the first floor for the birth certificate



 24Please go to cashier No. 13 (ER cashier counter) on the first floor to initiate admission process.
 25We will call you on your house /mobile number with your bed information on the day of admission.



 26Once you paid at the cashier, you may pick up your medicine from the pharmacy on the first floor and arrange further imaging in the Radiation Department on the fourth floor.
 27You can go to the phlebotomist on the first floor (fourth floor) for sampling.
 28The Nuclear Medicine Department is on the fourth floor where you can have your bloods taken or arrange relevant imaging tests.
 29You can go to the outpatient lab on the first floor for urinary analysis.
 30Please collect your child’s urine into this “urine collection bag”.
 收集小朋友小便, 請用尿袋收集到尿液
 31Label the bag and then send it to the out-patient Lab on the first floor.
 32The result will be available in 30 minutes, please visit your doctor again for the interpretation.
 33The result for this test will be  available in 3 days, please make another appointment after that for the report.
 34Please take this examination order to the ultrasonic room. After the examination, please bring the report back here and the doctor will explain it to you.



 35May I confirm some information with you before we start? 
 36What’s  his/her name and date of birth?What vaccine is he/she receivingtoday?
 37Thank you. The information is correct. This is the vaccine we are injection today. Is it correct?
 38Please your child’s right(or left)shoulder closely to your chest andexpose his/her left(or right )thigh.Please lock his/her arms and knee tightly for a safe injection.
 39Please hold this cotton ball for five minutes, and don’t rub it.
 40Your kid is so brave! When you go back home, please keep observing and caring according to the〝notice of injection”.
 41The date written on the children’s manual is the next injection date and it about (  ) later
 42Please keep his/her vaccination on schedule if no further indication.
